ES Next Series - 2. The FAT Arrow

Posted on: April 09, 2019


Arrow functions or the FAT arrow functions were introduced as a part of ES6. Along with making a regular function more concise, it has more features added to it. Let’s dive deep into them in this article.


Functions are mainly used in 3 ways:

  1. Object methods
  2. Non-methods
  3. Constructors

Use regular functions for methods and constructors. Use arrow functions for non-methods. In other words, arrow functions are to be used when we need lexical this and regular functions are to be used when we need dynamic this

Lets get into details


Arrow functions have a concise syntax and make the function more easy to read.


vs => console.log(

Usage of arrow function with parameters:

No param:

() => {} // paranthesis are mandatory

One param:

(param) => {}


param => {} // paranthesis are optional here

More than one param:

(param1, param2) => {} // paranthesis are mandatory

Implicit VS Explicit return:

Using arrow functions, we can return the required value from a function in two different ways: implicit and explicit.

  1. Implicit return:

var x = () => 2 // Value 2 is returned from function implicitly when invoked without us writing a return statement

  1. Explicit return:
var x = () => {
    return 2; // explicitly returning 2.

Apart from having the concise method syntax, an arrow function do NOT have access to this, arguments, super and inside it. No need of binding this to a method while invoking it is a boon as well as a bane depending on the place where an arrow function is used.


  1. No need to bind this
  2. Methods are concise and easier to understand


  1. We can NOT return a JS object implicitly.

ie. () => {} // This fails since this signature is same as the empty function with explicit return.

To make it work as expected, the returning object has to be wrapped within paranthesis. The function signature look like:

() => ({}) // this works as expected

  1. Arrows functions can NOT be used as object methods.
var character1 = {
    lives: 10,
    hitObject: function(){

console.log(character1) // {lives: 9, hitObject: f}

var character2 = {
    lives: 10,
    hitObject: () => this.lives--

console.log(character2) // {lives: 10, hitObject: f}

The logged output in the second case is different from expected. This happens because this binding in arrow function happens differently than in the regular functions.

In regular function, this is determined by the context of the function call. ie. this inside hitObject method points to character1 object when invoked as character1.hitObject(). But in the second case, this is not pointed character2, instead it points to Window object. this, in case of arrow function, is determined by the lexical scope where the object is declared ie. global Window

  1. Arrow functions can NOT be used as constructors.
function PersonNormal(){}

new PersonNormal() // returns an empty object {}

The above lines works perfectly well. But the below code doesn’t.

var PersonArrow = () => {}
new PersonArrow() // Uncaught TypeError: PersonArrow is not a constructor

The new keyword failed because arrow functions do NOT have __ proto __ and hence they don’t support inheritance. To verify this fact, console.log(PersonArrow.prototype) and verify. The output will be undefined.

  1. yield can NOT be used within an arrow function and hence arrow functions can NOT be used as generators
  2. var fun = (a, b, c)
            => 7

The above code fails. Instead, the splitting can be done as:

var fun = (
) => 7

Note: This is done by keeping the future improvements in mind. It is expected that ‘headless’ arrow functions may be introduced in the later versions of JavaScript. ie. We may have arrow functions that look like

=> 2 // No params

If that is the case, the above example

var fun = (a, b, c)
            => 7

will be interpreted differently and the code becomes buggy. Hence, the restriction.

  1. The arrow function has an ‘arrow’. Hence, it has to be used with some extra caution when used with other operators.
typeof () => {} // Uncaught SyntaxError: Malformed arrow function parameter list

typeof (() => {}) // function

In case 1, typeof has higher precedence than = and hence execution happens differently than expected. To avoid that, we have to wrap the arrow function in paranthesis, as in case 2.

  1. Arrow functions are anonymous. Hence, they are:

a. Harder debugging.

b. No-self referencing.

Thank you for making till the end of this lengthy article.

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Written by Kirankumar Ambati who lives and works in Hyderabad. Twitter Linkedin Github

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Crafted with Love by Kirankumar.